Is Weight Gain Related to our Gut Health?
It’s now well known that the good gut bacteria found in our digestive tract is beneficial for our health and that’s because of all the different roles they play in keeping us healthy. In fact, the more gut bacteria diversity you have, the better you can manage your hormones, mental health, immunity as well as weight management.
Is Stress (Cortisol) stopping you from Losing Weight?
Need to destress your life! Starting with your diet is just the beginning. We can use food to help tame our stress levels in several ways. By eating the right foods we can boost our levels of serotonin, a calming brain chemical……
Non Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease. NAFLD
(NAFLD) Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease can be preventable and is most commonly linked to being related to being overweight and having Type 2 Diabetes. Not to be confused with AFLD which is Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease and this is due to excessive drinking of alcohol
Smoothie Blends
FREE recipe book! Smoothies are easily digested so anyone can have them, young or old. Their best advantage is that they boost your vitamin and antioxidant intake. So, go on get blitzing and feel the health benefits both physically and mentally.
How to Reduce Your Body’s Pain and Inflammation. Start the Challenge today!
Most of us live with at least one painful and debilitating chronic condition, including arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and mental health conditions to name a few. Regardless of their cause and varied manifestations, they all have something in common, ongoing inflammation that results in some sort of pain either way.