Clean Eating with Carbs

Carbs are important when you are thinking about clean eating. Carbs come in different forms, from whole grains to starchy veggies to highly processed carbs found in packaged food. 

“Whole” or clean carbs are carbohydrate foods in their most natural and unrefined form. In other words, foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, corn, peas, legumes, beans, potatoes, etc. are all “whole” food carbohydrates. By whole grains, I mean oatmeal, quinoa, amaranth, brown or black rice.

Refined carbs found in many processed products are best avoided as they don’t support a clean eating plan. They also force your body to produce a lot of insulin to handle the high levels of glucose entering the bloodstream from the carbohydrate-rich foods. 

Insulin is a hormone whose job is to shuttle glucose into your cells, where it gets turned into energy. But too much insulin causes your body to package much of that glucose into fat cells, leading to weight gain and inflammation in the body. 

The nutrients in whole carbs work on many levels to keep you feeling well. They include nutrients that help curb food cravings and supply your body with the nutrients it needs to support a healthy metabolism by proving a slow release of energy. 

Best of all whole carbs include loads of fibre. Remember my previous clean eating post? Truly fibre is your friend!

Whole carbs are not only great for looking after your waistline they feed your good gut bacteria promoting better digestion, hormonal and mental health. 

Clean eating is not just another diet fad or a one-size-fits-all meal plan. It’s a philosophy for those who wish to reduce processed food and embrace wellness into their life.  

If you are thinking you need to clean up your dietary lifestyle then why not book in a “Free Discovery Call” and let’s chat about how I can help you!

Balancing lifestyle with nutrition for a happier, healthier life!

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